mercredi 4 janvier 2012

Surviving December 21 2012


In order to survive December 21, 2012 or to survive a major disaster, it is essential to be well prepared and have everything planned before the situation does is irreparably damaged.

You will find on this page and other pages of this blog, all the necessary information in order to prepare for the worst outage électricté global disruption of piped water supply or clean water, survive without bunker, how convert his basement into a bunker, how to eat in times of shortage, call survival kits, etc..

avoid storing perishable foods, large, greedy water or desiccant.:

Here is a link to the list of survival kit, that is all the equipment essential to the survival of an individual and his family at a time or a hostile environment: Survival kit minimum (composition)

How to ensure a minimum energy self-sufficiency in electricity or gas, how to store or store energy without taking risks

How to set up his cellar or room of her apartment as a real bunker

How to store water for drinking, grooming

How to relieve his natural needs without creating a health risk if there is more water

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