mercredi 4 janvier 2012

Langue source : anglais Saisissez du texte, l'adresse d'un site Web ou importez un document à traduire. Annuler Traduction (français > anglais) français allemand anglais Nibiru and 21-12-2012


When the 12 spirals of DNA segmentation variable (2 active on the 12 originally) will be reactivated, these spirals begin to connect to the system of 12 energy centers called chakras of man (7 internal and external 5 ) in correspondence with the 12 luminaries and planets in our solar system, if one includes the planet Nibiru (the planet of way), the tenth planet (planet X).

NASA has long sought this planet and seeks exclusive today.
The Sumerians already conaissaient the existence of the planet 6000 years ago!

Nibiru (Sumerian) the mythical planet, has received different names throughout the ages. The Babylonians and Akkadians called Marduk (Marduk), which means in Akkad "large Star of Heaven" or "King of Heaven" (though in most Babylonian texts, Marduk, the god of Babylon, king of the gods and men are identified with the planet Jupiter).

The Egyptians and the ancient Hebrews represented as a winged disc because of its huge elliptical orbit in the shape of wings, the Greeks called "Nemesis". The Prophets have renamed "Red Star" or "Cross of Destiny" and "Messenger Burning" and "Comet of Doom".

The Apocalypse of St. John mentions this star, calling it the name "Absinthe, bitterness," [Apoc. VIII, 11]. The giant planet, usually referred to as of Hercólubus (or Hercolobus), is called by some the "Cold World" and others call it the "Red Planet" and is certainly much larger than Jupiter, the giant colossal of our solar system.

According to myths, Nibiriens (the people of Nibiru), are often called the Anunnaki, in Hebrew it is the Nephilim (those who came down from heaven on Earth), Elohim (plural of God), or Marduk or Mardukiens.

In ancient times, at least five planets of our solar system were known to astronomers: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun and Moon were the only bodies wandering in the sphere of fixed stars and thus gave their names to the days of the week. Since the 16th century to the present a plethora of things came to populate the solar system known and the number of planets is now increased to nine since the discovery of Pluto in 1930. However, a major text on astronomy "Mul. Apin" (1000 BC) lists 66 constellations (or asterisms). First known star chart (found at Nineveh). It is a world map in clay, divided into eight sections, and showing one or two major constellations with the stars (Sirius, Spica, Pegasus, Libra, etc.)..

In 1978, two astronomers from the Naval Observatory in Washington US, R. Harrington and T. Van Flanders established that the orbits of Neptune and Uranus had been disturbed from the gravitational pull of a mysterious celestial body not identified and who was called Planet X to bring both his enigmatic character and rank of tenth planet that 'it would occupy in the solar system. The existence of a planet beyond the orbit of Pluto has been advanced to account for the observed perturbations of the motion of Uranus and Neptune, that the presence of perturbations of Pluto alone could not explain. However, research to highlight it were unsuccessful, but since 1992 it was discovered trans-Neptunian asteroids. Attributed the existence of these asteroids with the presence of a vast region beyond Neptune's orbit populated by planetesimals (steroids and comet nuclei): the Kuiper Belt.

The brown star and a group of comets in our solar system came together. As the "fire" went out long ago, this brown dwarf does not light. The brown star, companion of the sun has a mass 56% of the mass of the sun. When she really starts to approach the solar system, and they rotate in tandem, this means that the sun will begin to feel its gravity. A slight effect of "wobble" will be visible on Earth through measures. The pole shift is cyclical (100,000 years), this magnetic disturbance is simply a trigger mechanism.

This mysterious planet had previously ejected Pluto and Charon from their former positions (such as satellites of Neptune). According to astronomers, the planet X was an intruder that the sun would be trapped in a highly eccentric orbit, highly inclined to the ecliptic. This planet would be 3 to 4 times the mass of the earth. For a long time astronomers are mostly convinced that there is actually an additional planet in our solar system, why it was called the tenth planet or planet X.


Even NASA in 1982 will recognize the possible existence of a planet X. Then in 1983 the IRAS satellite in deep space reference a mysterious object, as reported December 30, 83 the Washington Post after interviewing the head of the Iras said that "a celestial body, perhaps as large that the planet Jupiter and possibly facing the earth at the point of being part of the solar system was discovered in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope ... we do not know what it is ".

In the years that followed, they were more discreet, but research continued to indicate that X. must have an orbit inclined 30 degrees to the ecliptic, it would be three times farther from the sun than Pluto and have 3-4 times the mass of the earth.

In 1987, NASA officially recognized the existence of this planet, as reported in the Newsweek 7/13/87 "... Last week, NASA made an odd statement: a 10th planet, eccentric orbit could be (or not) around the sun ...".
On 7 April 2001, the Science News report as "the singular orbit of a comet suggests a hidden planet" written "beyond the nine known planets as massive as an object jaws may have been part of our solar system and could still be there. "

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