mercredi 4 janvier 2012

The Egyptians and the end 21-12-2012

Les Egyptiens

There are some 10 000 years the earth's axis has shifted causing a shift of the poles. This event the Egyptians, (heirs of Atlantis?) Have called "The Great Cataclysm."

The Great Cataclysm occurs during the era of Leo, as the Egyptians they carved two lions back to back them, the sun is trapped between the hieroglyph of the sky one up and one down, c that is to say the sky of the sky before and after. The youth represent or probably very impoverished humanity after the flood.

The Egyptians will give Sirius a considerable place in their system for calculating the time (year appeared they knew perfectly accurate announced the Nile floods) but also, through this form of light, they found another form of worship of divinity, and built the Pyramids, which are nothing more than four contiguous triangles coming together at a point on Centre, the summit. The world of the spirit, god, spirit, and not ordered by chance, God Grand Architect of the Universe, sits on top of the triangle, then the Pyramid, where there is room for the Un Atlanteans allegedly sent to the Egyptians, these secrets.

There are some 10,000 years the earth's axis would have shifted causing a shift of the poles and a global cataclysm. The layout of the pyramids suggests a connection with Atlantis. Scientists have discovered that the pyramids of Egypt were arranged in a pattern exactly matching that of an area of ​​the constellation Orion, as it appeared in 10,450 BC, ie before the beginnings of Egyptian civilization ... but at a time can be one of the Atlanteans.

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