mercredi 4 janvier 2012

Introduction 2012

I discovered by chance that the date of December 21, 2012 would be a very important date for our common future. I did some research on it and I'll put them in this blog where all the positions taken are allowed

prophecy - science - paranormal

Several factors predicting for more or less time a big change for December 21, 2012:

- The Maya

- The Hopi Indians of Arizona

- The Egyptians

- The Old Testament and the Bible

- Crop circles

- The planet Nibiru

- Nostradamus

And I still think of others, but those that occur most frequently.

the Mayas

Les Mayas

December 21, 2012 will mark the end of the large 13-baktun cycle in the Mayan calendar (13 cycles of 13 baktuns = 144,000 days 1,872,000 days or more than 5125 years). The date gives an idea of ​​the date of the Maya creation of the world: 6 September 3114 BC (Julian) = 11 Aug 3114 BC (Gregorian). The Long Count should again be reached December 21, 2012. Predictions of the Mayans were so accurate that they were based on a unit of time corresponding to one thousandth of a 24-hour day, or less than 1 minute and thirty seconds.

Mayan understanding of time, seasons, cycles is large and complex. The Maya had 17 different calendars, some of which describe the temporal event accurately for more than 10 million years. The calendar that attracts attention, since 1987, is called the "Tzolk'in" or "Cholq'ij". It is based on the cycle of the Pleiades, and is considered sacred and determine important turning points in history.

The ancient Maya are not happy with the interpretation of anthropologists who invent stories about the Maya. Some herald the end of the world in December 2012 when it is false, the world will not end. It will be transformed.

This transition period in 2012 resulting in an energy colossal environmental destruction, social chaos, war and earth changes. All this was planned long ago by the ancient Maya. Keepers of Time Mayan consider December 21, 2012 as the date of rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. This will be the start of a new era resulting from the realignment of the polar axis with the center of our galaxy.

another conclusion

According to the laws of mathematics and physics, the Earth can suddenly turn the other way because of the conservation of angular momentum (that is what makes a ballerina when she turns faster the arms raproche along the body). Should a collision rape for it to happen or the arrival of a planet in our solar system (the planet Nibiru of Sumerian?) Disrupting everything in its path. A pole shift is more probable than a change of rotation of the earth ... Show: pole shift

The hopi

Les Hopis

The Hopi Indians of Arizona have prophesied for centuries in many events of global proportions. They had announced in advance the generations came of a race of bearded men, with fair skin, mounted on strange animals and carrying weapons unknown. They arrive from beyond the great sea of the East and have its emblem the cross (Christianity), but they would break the sanctity of the nation and harmony with Mother Earth, by introducing an unbalanced lifestyle called Koyaanisqatsi which might be expected to disappear. The prophecies of the Hopi are roughly the same as the Maya.

One of the major predictions said: "One day some stars will come together in a single row, as has already happened there thousands of years. This is the time of purification for the Earth. Changes in climate and many disasters can occur when we will reach this stage. this can happen when no one can really know. ""Stars in a single row"? This is something that evokes the alignment of all the planets scheduled December 21, 2012. According to this prophecy, besides immense damage and loss of life, it would be the beginning of a new ice age.

According to the Hopi Indians:

The first world was destroyed by a devastating fire which came from heaven and Earth.

The second world ended when the Earth has shifted on its axis and everything was covered with ice.

The third world was destroyed by a flood.

The world today is the fourth and will be destroyed by fire.

The Egyptians and the end 21-12-2012

Les Egyptiens

There are some 10 000 years the earth's axis has shifted causing a shift of the poles. This event the Egyptians, (heirs of Atlantis?) Have called "The Great Cataclysm."

The Great Cataclysm occurs during the era of Leo, as the Egyptians they carved two lions back to back them, the sun is trapped between the hieroglyph of the sky one up and one down, c that is to say the sky of the sky before and after. The youth represent or probably very impoverished humanity after the flood.

The Egyptians will give Sirius a considerable place in their system for calculating the time (year appeared they knew perfectly accurate announced the Nile floods) but also, through this form of light, they found another form of worship of divinity, and built the Pyramids, which are nothing more than four contiguous triangles coming together at a point on Centre, the summit. The world of the spirit, god, spirit, and not ordered by chance, God Grand Architect of the Universe, sits on top of the triangle, then the Pyramid, where there is room for the Un Atlanteans allegedly sent to the Egyptians, these secrets.

There are some 10,000 years the earth's axis would have shifted causing a shift of the poles and a global cataclysm. The layout of the pyramids suggests a connection with Atlantis. Scientists have discovered that the pyramids of Egypt were arranged in a pattern exactly matching that of an area of ​​the constellation Orion, as it appeared in 10,450 BC, ie before the beginnings of Egyptian civilization ... but at a time can be one of the Atlanteans.

The Old Testament and the Bible and the end 21-12-2012

In the Old Testament of the Bible, chapters 11 and 12 of the Book of Daniel we state that there will be three years and a half of terrible events for the whole of humanity (1290 days), followed by a and a half months of global turmoil (45 more days) before the end of days, as of March 25, 2009.

The part of the prophecy relates to the "end time" starts in verse 40 of chapter 11 of the Book of Daniel and ends at the end of Chapter 12 (the last chapter). Verse 40 says that the forces of King of the South will start harass the King of the North, and that it will sweep when the King of the South with his powerful army.

It says: "At the time of the end, King of the South will revolt against the King of the North (The Islamic fundamentalist movement against American hegemony?) And the King of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots and horsemen and with many ships will enter the land and will also (This "will also" may well mean "will ignore the warnings of the governments of the Earth"). And he comes in the land of beauty. (which can be translated by Iraq, as before, at the time of Chaldea and Sumer, Babylon was famous for its beautiful hanging gardens and the magnificence of its architecture, and Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) for its beautiful palm groves stretching out of sight between the flowery banks of the Tigris and the Euphrates. Some traditions are Eden, the Garden of Eden, in the vast region extending from Mesopotamia to Arabia, whose southern boundary is the Gulf of Ade). "

The end of the prophecy (Chapter 12, verses 11 to 13) says exactly this: "From the time when the daily sacrifice shall be suspended and the desolating abomination will be installed, there will be 1290 days. Blessed is he who waits and that reaches 1335 days, and O, up to the end. You will be in peace and you shall stand in thy lot if you succeed in the end of the day. "(This presumably means: you will be ready to inherit of your true condition of Rights).

The crop circles and 21-12-2012

Les crop-circles

The crop circles (in English crop circle) is a generally circular formation occurring in the middle of field of wheat, rye, rapeseed or oats. Plant stems are flattened, twisted, but never torn or otherwise damaged. They continue to grow horizontally without recover, according to the spiral motion, which was imposed on them during training. This spiral motion can be superimposed on another spiral movement of the same formation, but in the opposite direction to the first, which has the effect of weaving plants closely together. The edge of the figures will always be defined in a way very clear.

The first circle known seems to have appeared in Assen, Holland in 1590. The attached document reflects against the existence of the event in England in the seventeenth sciècle. The devil mower Hartfordshire manifested as a result of a dispute between a farmer and a reaper.
It too demanding in exchange for a cut oat field, the farmer swore that he would prefer that the devil would undertake the work for him. And so it happened every night, the oat field shone as if it was just flames, but the next morning, it seemed so broke by the devil or some infernal spirit was no mortal can to do the same. In addition, oats lying so in the field that the owner could not pick it up.

The phenomenon began and became more and more complex over the years. In the '80s, he appeared first on the hills of Wiltshire and Hampshire in England, not far from the mysterious megalithic sites of Avebury and Stonehenge, which met in the '70s, a resurgence of cases of 'UFOs. These sites are also the crossing point of the "Ley lines" (telur network), the lines of earth energy. It then spread throughout the south-west England, Wales, Norfolk and Scotland. He won the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, Japan, Europe, with Switzerland and France last year. The circles, elemental form initially formed over the years of complex figures by partnering with each other. Sophisticated geometric shapes, symbols, alchemical, kabbalistic, Celtic, astronomical or mathematical, are born short of 90 years.

In 1990, the British Government held a meeting attended by his ministers and military officials to discuss the phenomenon and its implications at the level of public and defense. Shortly after this meeting that the campaign of hoax began to grow and the first followers of Crop Circles to make themselves known. The aim was to discredit the phenomenon and to ridicule the researchers were interested. 80% of the circles are false for the purpose of disinformation and the trivialization of the circles of cereal ...

Laurence Rockefeller, an oil magnate, former U.S. congressman and brother of former Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, who financially supports the study of the UFO phenomenon, also acts as a patron regarding the study of crop circle. Since 1999, L. Rockefeller commissioned Colin Andrews to closely monitor these events. This research has attracted more than 10,000 cases worldwide and presented its evidence to the United Nations. Based on studies of C. Andrews, 80% of the circles are forgeries. It would still be a number of authenticity can be verified by a "magnetic fingerprint" residual whose shape is similar to that of a snowflake, a fractal shape.

The animals are frightened and refuse to go inside the circles. People will feel strong discomfort (headaches, dizziness, vomiting ...), other pain, a feeling of euphoria. Compasses disrupt it, the dowsers to capture energy from strong currents, cameras and sophisticated devices suffer from inexplicable failures. Sounds strange, strong rip roaring night, while balls of light fly over the fields where they later discovered the circles. Plants and seeds undergo cellular changes, the nodes of the stems are very large, as if they had been inflated from within by an ultra high heating have lasted a split second. The plants on which the crop circle landed grow 40% faster and sees the floor level of radioactivity changed (from W. Levengood, American biophysicist, and Ken Larsen, English biologist).


Several studies have been developed and researchers working in the field as much as possible try to measure the effects of crop circles. They have several features and is easy now to distinguish between a real and a fake "crop circles". Here are some typical characteristics of a real "crop circles":

The branches are not broken but bent, normally about 1 inch off the ground. The plants seem to have been subjected to great heat and fast. Research and laboratory tests suggest that only microwave or infra-sounds may be the only method capable of producing such an effect.

The "Crop Circle" are sometimes accompanied by high-pitched sounds.

The detection of electromagnetic wave also proves that this is not the work of humans. This type of energy seems to be found in many churches as sacred place. In addition, the "crop circles" and the sacred places seem to be exactly in the grid of electromagnetic energy produced by the Earth.

These sites are often associated with physical changes in animals and humans. Many people who entered the premises have experienced a lot of heart, dizziness. These effects are also observed when prolonged exposure to microwaves.

Plants that have been "folded" then continue to grow. This would not be possible if the branches were broken.

As a general rule, the "Crop Circle" are not perfectly round ellipse. False require a central point to make a circle and it would be a bit more complex to an ellipse.

The "Crop Circle" also environmental changes. The electromagnetic field is altered causing errors. Compasses can not find the north, cameras, cell phones and batteries malfunctioning. There are impressive levels of radiation (300% above normal) in the interior of these circles. The animals are acting strangely and mostly avoid the area.

Other research has been conducted to determine whether the Earth is not responsible for their training. According to some research in biophysics, plants that were affected have a genetic code severely degraded comparing plants not affected in the same field.

There was another finding about the seeds in the soil. It seems that the seeds that are in training are poorly trained, small and unproductive. These two facts would support the theory that heat would have caused these abnormalities.

There are similar anomalies when seeds were exposed to high heat microwave (test performed in the laboratory).

In an article for the planetarium Physiologia, researchers suggest that Talboot Levengood and the energy that would cause crop circles can be a "plasma vortex" that interact with the air waves emitted by the earth. A microwave energy cause forms also develop. This does not explain the sound and light that several witnesses said they saw or heard during training.

On an amazing video we can see two researchers from crop circles to be a hunting area or more circles have already been introduced by a British Army helicopter. They go a step further when a second helicopter arrives. One of the other guide devices by radio, one observes a remote small golden ball that flies at low altitude. We see very well on film. Then suddenly it disappears ...

False circle and misinformation

The phenomenon of crop circles, which may be related to UFOs, has been a remarkable campaign of disinformation in 1991. While the phenomenon was gaining momentum, British and international media suddenly freed, and in concert, the news that two British pensioners, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, were the authors of the figures since 1976. The news was dabord launched by the newspaper "Today", September 9, 1991, then went around the world of newspapers. She soon proved false, but was never corrected by the media had portrayed.

There is a television documentary on Doug Bower and Dave Chorley. We see (thank you ARTE) how the circles were made by two English armed with a wooden board with a stick and a rope. They decide the form of "crop circles" and then come the night in a field to start the drawing. Then they plant a stick in the ground with a rope, form a circle. It only remains to take a plank of wood attached to two strings to flatten the corn. The demonstration was convincing to most people.

But since Doug Bower and Dave Chorley have changed their statements several times, often contradicting himself. They could not explain the strange phenomena that "Crop Circles" occur. In the end, neither of them seemed to agree on the figures they had achieved. According to them, they have produced and invented the phenomenon of "Crop Circle" since 1972, which corresponds to the date of the first "Crop Circle" on record. However, scientists discovered that these phenomena have been identified for the first time in the region in 1890! (This information has been forgotten in the famous story).

In 1998, they reported to a newspaper, they were guided by an unknown force. And that's not all, as he claimed to have made the night a circle indicating the nature of the circle and the date is not less than fifteen circles that appeared all over the world the same day. Later, after a journalistic investigation it was discovered that Doug and Dave were two retired British army, always more or less service. A very good "debunking", but no news of Doug and Dave ...

See: Debunking

Jacques Vallee, UFO researcher and writer famous for writing about this case:
"What is the confession of a suspect in two retirees is that it appeared simultaneously on the same day the headlines on CNN and internationals. Any published author familiar with the difficulties of attracting media attention knows that it is necessary to have a powerful public relations firm for the publication of a story in a Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Le Figaro and many other newspapers that day. How do the two pensioners they get the kind of piston which allowed their claims to circumnavigate the world? The result was immediate: the press and, more importantly, most scientists lost interest in the subject for ten years . " (Source: Jacques Vallee - Crop Circle: "Signs" From Above or Human Artifact or personal Speculations were Fractual Theme)


Frank Donald Drake is the inventor of the famous equation that provides the theoretical calculation of the number (N) of civilizations "communicating" in our galaxie.En applying this formula, we arrive at a value of N between 2 or 3 (the worst ) and 100 million (at best) of extraterrestrial civilizations.

N = R x fp x fl x fi x does x fc x L

(R) the mean rate of star formation.
(Fp) the probability that a star is accompanied by planets.
(On) the probability that there is a planet whose environment is conducive to life for a star with a planetary system.
(Fl) the fraction of planets developing life in primitive conditions.
(Fi) the probability that intelligence has evolved from these lower organisms.
(K) the fraction of intelligence reaching the stage of interstellar communications
(L) life in years of such a technologically advanced civilization.

Applying this formula, we arrive at a value of N between 2 or 3 (at worst) and 100 million (at best) of extraterrestrial civilizations.

In 1974 to celebrate the installation of a new more accurate reflective surface on the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico, Donald Drake designed with the team Arecibo message destined for demonstration extraterrestrial intelligences. This message was intended to prospective residents away from our solar system. He was referring to different aspects of our civilization and had several sections. This is a simple chart of 73 lines of 23 bits (both primes) coded in binary, representing:

The numbers from 1 to 10 (our decimal system).

A description of the atomic numbers of elements essential to life on Earth: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus.

Our biological construction (the number of codons in DNA and the DNA itself).

A physical representation of a human being of average size.

An estimate of the global population coded binary language (4.29 billion in 1974).

The device that has sent the message (the Arecibo radio telescope).

Our position in the solar system with Earth, the sun and nine planets.

A symbolic representation of the Arecibo radio telescope.

More than 25 years passed, when at the end of summer 2000, a first crop circle appeared a few hundred meters from the Chilbolton Observatory, which is located several thousand kimomètres Arecibo. A crop circle over from dozens each year identified in the region of Hampshire.

But a year later, August 19, 2001, two new crop circles appeared simultaneously to several tens of meters from the Chilbolton Observatory. In the first, and for the first time, a face appeared on a crop circle. Astrophysicists Chilbolton were quick to establish the disturbing resemblance to another face photographed a few years earlier by a U.S. probe of a megalithic clusters of Mars on the famous site of Cydonia Mensae!

Show: Cydonia Mensae

The second crop circle of August 19, 2001 was nothing but a replica of the message sent by Frank Donald Drake and his team at the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico, twenty-seven years ago! However, there were some changes with the message sent in 1974:

The list of atomic numbers corresponding to the primary elements essential to life on Earth had a new number, 14, which refers to the silicon. Yet silicon is, according to many mediums, the element that allows entities to the Light (and also of the Shadow, for that matter) to manifest in our octave frequency of the third dimension.

The structure of human DNA was also altered, suggesting the reactivation of some segments now regarded by geneticists as''neutral "without apparent functionality.

The number indicating the population of the planet was strangely dropped from 4.3 to 21.3 billion!

Representation of the human being was significantly transformed, suggesting that the morphology of the human being is about to change, evolve, grow ...

The diagram of our solar system were substantially transformed, suggesting, of course, that the morphology of the human being is about to change, and that new planets will be discovered soon.

The hieroglyphic materialized Chilbolton is almost the same as scheduled in Puerto Rico.

Is this a message for the future of mankind would be that of the opening to the multidimensionality of conscience?

The number of people spent 4.3 billion (in 1974) to 21.3 billion while we are 6.5 billion in 2001 can have several meanings.

Our civilization is going to reach the number of 21.3 billion, it is, according to New Agers, the number of human souls, not human beings incarnate in the physical plane or is the number of the population of civilization sending these messages.

Two questions remain, however, asked: where did this amazing revelation? Why is the message sent from Puerto Rico in 1974 he has received a response or echo back as 27 years later?


On August 3, 2004 in Britain near the mound of Silbury Hill (Stonehenge), a highly developed Crop Circle was discovered in a field. Designated by many scholars as the "crop circle of the year" and as big as a football field, the crop circle is a direct reference to the Mayan calendar and its symbols.

Called "Day of Doom" by some, "Last Judgement" or "End Times" by others, this majestic circle of cultures of more than 150 meters in diameter irresistibly evokes the symbolism of the ancient Mayan and Aztec calendars.

Steve Alexander, an expert who has photographed hundreds of crop circles around the world, says this incredible training: "This is the crop circle the most complex I have ever seen, I know a lot of people think that all the circles are made artificially by the hand of man, but it is very unlikely. It would take days to complete a drawing gigantic: the golden circle appeared in one night! "

The crop circle has on its periphery a bit more well-known anthropologists specialists in pre-Columbian America. One finds such elements on the circular base of a statue of the sixteenth century representing the Aztec god Xochipilli and discovery in the 1850s on the slopes of Popocatepetl volcano near Mexico Tlamanalco.

Xochi means flowers or vegetation and Pilli means Prince. In the tradition of Maya-Aztec Xochipilli is the god of vegetation, flowers and crops, but also that of love, beauty, music and dance. The statue is made of one piece, and after the great Spanish anthropologist Carlos Barrios, who spent 25 years in Guatemala in Mam, the Guardians of Time''''according to the Mayan tradition, it represents the god sitting on Earth in the process of organizing and harmonizing the cycles of time.

According to the Olmecs, Mayas and Aztecs, and, moreover, that in the Indian tradition and Mesopotamia, the time is not linear but proceeds in cycles that repeat continuously: in the same way that the planets, solar systems and universes are born, die and are reborn from their ashes, the particles of time recur indefinitely by wrapping themselves around the serpent of infinity.

The various Mayan and Aztec calendars all have the year 2012 as marking the end of the current cycle, that of the "Fourth Sun" and the beginning of a new sun, the Fifth, that of the cosmic age that can not be do not know through our current benchmarks.

This is why the extraordinary cipher of Silbury Hill, based on these schedules, probably refers also to the deadline of 2012, the zero point.

See: 2012 zero point

British researcher C. Lewis worked on the operation of the measures used in the ancient Mayan and Aztec calendars adapting to the circle of Silbury Hill. He said there is no doubt that the diagram on this crop circle of a kind entirely new kind of shows a countdown timer on a form "clock-calendar" modeled on the Mayan-Aztec.

Each square house worth 130 years, the position of the needle on the last four shows that we still have a little over 5% of these 130 years to go, about 8 years. But if we add about 8 years in August 2004, one falls almost exactly on the deadline of December 21, 2012 corresponding to the end of the Mayan calendars.

Langue source : anglais Saisissez du texte, l'adresse d'un site Web ou importez un document à traduire. Annuler Traduction (français > anglais) français allemand anglais Nibiru and 21-12-2012


When the 12 spirals of DNA segmentation variable (2 active on the 12 originally) will be reactivated, these spirals begin to connect to the system of 12 energy centers called chakras of man (7 internal and external 5 ) in correspondence with the 12 luminaries and planets in our solar system, if one includes the planet Nibiru (the planet of way), the tenth planet (planet X).

NASA has long sought this planet and seeks exclusive today.
The Sumerians already conaissaient the existence of the planet 6000 years ago!

Nibiru (Sumerian) the mythical planet, has received different names throughout the ages. The Babylonians and Akkadians called Marduk (Marduk), which means in Akkad "large Star of Heaven" or "King of Heaven" (though in most Babylonian texts, Marduk, the god of Babylon, king of the gods and men are identified with the planet Jupiter).

The Egyptians and the ancient Hebrews represented as a winged disc because of its huge elliptical orbit in the shape of wings, the Greeks called "Nemesis". The Prophets have renamed "Red Star" or "Cross of Destiny" and "Messenger Burning" and "Comet of Doom".

The Apocalypse of St. John mentions this star, calling it the name "Absinthe, bitterness," [Apoc. VIII, 11]. The giant planet, usually referred to as of Hercólubus (or Hercolobus), is called by some the "Cold World" and others call it the "Red Planet" and is certainly much larger than Jupiter, the giant colossal of our solar system.

According to myths, Nibiriens (the people of Nibiru), are often called the Anunnaki, in Hebrew it is the Nephilim (those who came down from heaven on Earth), Elohim (plural of God), or Marduk or Mardukiens.

In ancient times, at least five planets of our solar system were known to astronomers: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun and Moon were the only bodies wandering in the sphere of fixed stars and thus gave their names to the days of the week. Since the 16th century to the present a plethora of things came to populate the solar system known and the number of planets is now increased to nine since the discovery of Pluto in 1930. However, a major text on astronomy "Mul. Apin" (1000 BC) lists 66 constellations (or asterisms). First known star chart (found at Nineveh). It is a world map in clay, divided into eight sections, and showing one or two major constellations with the stars (Sirius, Spica, Pegasus, Libra, etc.)..

In 1978, two astronomers from the Naval Observatory in Washington US, R. Harrington and T. Van Flanders established that the orbits of Neptune and Uranus had been disturbed from the gravitational pull of a mysterious celestial body not identified and who was called Planet X to bring both his enigmatic character and rank of tenth planet that 'it would occupy in the solar system. The existence of a planet beyond the orbit of Pluto has been advanced to account for the observed perturbations of the motion of Uranus and Neptune, that the presence of perturbations of Pluto alone could not explain. However, research to highlight it were unsuccessful, but since 1992 it was discovered trans-Neptunian asteroids. Attributed the existence of these asteroids with the presence of a vast region beyond Neptune's orbit populated by planetesimals (steroids and comet nuclei): the Kuiper Belt.

The brown star and a group of comets in our solar system came together. As the "fire" went out long ago, this brown dwarf does not light. The brown star, companion of the sun has a mass 56% of the mass of the sun. When she really starts to approach the solar system, and they rotate in tandem, this means that the sun will begin to feel its gravity. A slight effect of "wobble" will be visible on Earth through measures. The pole shift is cyclical (100,000 years), this magnetic disturbance is simply a trigger mechanism.

This mysterious planet had previously ejected Pluto and Charon from their former positions (such as satellites of Neptune). According to astronomers, the planet X was an intruder that the sun would be trapped in a highly eccentric orbit, highly inclined to the ecliptic. This planet would be 3 to 4 times the mass of the earth. For a long time astronomers are mostly convinced that there is actually an additional planet in our solar system, why it was called the tenth planet or planet X.


Even NASA in 1982 will recognize the possible existence of a planet X. Then in 1983 the IRAS satellite in deep space reference a mysterious object, as reported December 30, 83 the Washington Post after interviewing the head of the Iras said that "a celestial body, perhaps as large that the planet Jupiter and possibly facing the earth at the point of being part of the solar system was discovered in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope ... we do not know what it is ".

In the years that followed, they were more discreet, but research continued to indicate that X. must have an orbit inclined 30 degrees to the ecliptic, it would be three times farther from the sun than Pluto and have 3-4 times the mass of the earth.

In 1987, NASA officially recognized the existence of this planet, as reported in the Newsweek 7/13/87 "... Last week, NASA made an odd statement: a 10th planet, eccentric orbit could be (or not) around the sun ...".
On 7 April 2001, the Science News report as "the singular orbit of a comet suggests a hidden planet" written "beyond the nine known planets as massive as an object jaws may have been part of our solar system and could still be there. "

NIBIRU and Sumerians 2012


6000 years ago, the first great civilization of Sumer, was founded between the Euphrates and the Tigris, by the Sumerians. Zecharia Sitchin (, a historian interested in the original Russian language, history and archeology of the ancient Orient, concluded in 1976 a genesis of homo sapiens in line with that of the Tibetans , the Hawaiians, the Australian Aborigines, Native North America (Apache, Hopi and Sioux), Maya (after the priest of the White Brotherhood of the Maya, Miquel Angel). The Annunakiens Sumerian myths, "those who descended from heaven to earth," were aliens from an unknown planet in our solar system that circles the sun in 3600 years, the planet Nibiru.

It is curious to note that the evolutionary phases of humanity are at a rate of 3,600 years that is to say that every return of the planet Nibiru, a new phase of civilization begins. 11 000 years J.C. Av: agriculture 75 000 BC. J.C. Neolithic culture and 3800 BC. J.C. the Sumerian civilization.

The last time Nibiru would have happened, was at the time of Moses. 1300 - 1250 years BC Two things were striking: first, the manna from heaven. His explanation is that Nibiru, planet-comet have a tail. This, in addition to particles from gravel to larger stones, which contain oil substances in contact with our atmosphere like a rush sweet dew rich in protein and edible. The other is the opening of the Red Sea to the Hebrews. This was under the influence of the attraction of Nibiru lift tectonic plates that have temporarily split the sea in two before collapsing and engulfing the Egyptians. In this AC, the planet will be closer to us in 250 to 300 years compared to the estimated date of Moses' life. Some of its passages have been catastrophic others do not. In any case, it validates the Sumerian writings.

On the cylinder (seal), the sizes of the planets shown may be considered as approximations. However, it is clear that Nibiru was considered not only much larger than Pluto, but also the earth. So it was not "an icy rock" in the Kuiper Belt. Nibiru, to the Babylonians, was the celestial body associated with the god Marduk. In Akkadian it means "the place of crossing" or "the place of transition." But in most Babylonian texts Marduk is identified with the planet Jupiter.

According to researchers and ufologists, the inhabitants of this planet, Nibiriens (or Anunnaki, Nephilim, Elohim, Mardukiens, etc..) Landed on Earth for the first time about 450,000 years ago to save their planet. They began to extract gold and other raw materials they needed and created homo sapiens about 300,000 years ago by genetic manipulation of females of hominids. They needed help because they did not want to pull themselves these raw materials. Mesopotamia was the first colony.

According to myth, the leaders of extraterrestrial civilizations had to face the rivalry due to conduct face led to their creation. The men who were nothing but slaves were subjected to starvation, disease and biological wars. The texts of Mesopotamia show that all these methods has proved ineffective to reduce levels of human population, the aliens decided to exterminate men, causing a great flood. The Mesopotamian tablets show that "EA", Prince alien land, creator of homo sapiens, rebelled, not accepting the cruelties inflicted on his fellow men, and founded the "Brotherhood of the Serpent." But the Brotherhood was defeated by other groups of aliens ruling, EA was banished to Earth. "Prince of the Earth", he spent "Prince of Darkness." It taught men that all the evil in the world was his fault and that he wanted men become slaves. It exhorted the men to expose every time he would reincarnate and destroy with the creatures they encountered.

Nostradamus 2012


Nostradamus, born Michel de Nostradamus (December 14, 1503 in Saint-Remy de Provence - July 2, 1566), is a doctor (either true or alleged) and French apothecary. Practicing astrology as all his colleagues at the time of the Renaissance, he is best known for its predictions on how the world works.

The frightening disturbance in the orbit and the motion of the Earth is explained scientifically by the light Nostradamus himself, by the approach of another star who, during seven days, will appear as another sun.


The great estoille brusli by seven days,

Nuee will apparoir two suns,

The big Mastin any nuict howl,

When the great pontiff will change soil.

"A solar eclipse, says Nostradamus, the successor was the darkest and gloomiest ever seen from the creation to the passion and death of Jesus Christ, and from that time until days, and that in October that will produce a great translation, so we believe that the Earth will be out of its orbit and will be worn into eternal darkness. "

The 13 crystal skulls 2012

Les 13 crânes de cristal

Have you heard of the 13 crystal skulls? If not, I will make a brief summary.

It is a riddle posed by 13 skulls appeared on the European market in the late 19th century.

A crystal skull belongs to the British Museum, another at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. Many individuals are also holders of crystal skulls.

The riddle is this: according to experts, only the tools of the 20th century, including diamond-coated drill bits, could attack a material as hard as quartz crystal.

However, authenticated skulls date from a period much older than the Spanish conquest. We know that Native Americans did not use tools to shape their objects.
This is the whole problem to scientists.

The quartz crystal is now part of our lives. The heart of our computers, where all information is stored, is a small chip in the silicon crystal. This chip uses the unique properties of the crystal to store.

According to the Mayan crystal skulls are ancient computers. They contain important information about the origins of mankind and its destiny.

The message of the crystal skulls to mankind:

That's the story and message of skulls as the descendants of Native Americans:

In the beginning, there were 12 worlds in which human life was present. Earth was called "the world's children."

The eleven other worlds have combined their knowledge in a kind of holographic computer, the crystal skulls.

These "elders" led the skulls on Earth and have donated knowledge to men.

They helped people to build four major civilizations: Lemuria, Mu, and Atlantis Mieyhun.

The 13 skulls were kept in a pyramid called "the Ark".

Many civilizations have been the custodians of the Ark: the Olmecs and the Mayans and the Aztecs finally.

These would have made a bad use.

The skulls were scattered by the priests Aztecs after the Spanish conquest. They were to remain separate because their collective power was too powerful to be used wisely by the man.

The message of the skulls is quite topical. If man continues to take the Earth with nothing to report in exchange, the world's fourth or fifth sun, which will expire December 21, 2012, will be the last.

We must also add that the Maya calendars are the first discovered on Earth calendars and these calendars stop in December 2012 ...

Moral of the story: with or without prediction Aztec
Earth is in the process of being destroyed by inches by us,
Men ...

The message I want to get Jo Ann Parks, the "guardian" of Max, one of the 13 skulls:

Humanity will not be awake until we will not learn to blend the wisdom and truths of that love and peace begin with us first. This is how we get there, so we're going to win. The wars that we hate so we actually begin. Until we do trust each other and that we learn how to adapt these wars will continue to wreak havoc and what to infinity. Now look what message he called for peace for you and me and all will become one in a world that is free ...

Scientists 2012

Les scientifiques

Une nouvelle étude réalisée par des scientifiques du Centre national pour la recherche atmosphérique (Boulder, Colorado) risque de se retrouver parmi les arguments des tenants de la thèse catastrophiste, car elle prévoit que le prochain cycle d'activité solaire parviendra à son apogée justement en 2012 (avec un an de retard sur d'autres projections) et qu'il aura des pics d'une intensité maximale de 30% à 50% plus puissante que ceux du cycle précédent.


De récentes données géologiques montrent que la force du champ magnétique qui trouve son origine dans le noyau terrestre et protége la planète des effets néfastes des vents solaires a diminué de 10% depuis 1845. Lors du Congrès de l'American Geophysical Union à San Francisco, des scientifiques ont envisagé la possibilité que cette faiblesse puisse être le prélude à une inversion des pôles.
Une telle inversion ne serait pas inédite. L'histoire de la Terre en est jalonnée.
Grâce à l'étude des roches volcaniques, les scientifiques peuvent retracer l'histoire du champ magnétique. En effet, les cristaux de lave s'orientent en fonction du champ en place et, en se refroidissant, ils conservent la trace de leur alignement.
Des géologues ont ainsi estimé que la dernière inversion se serait produite il y a 780 000 ans environ. Actuellement, personne ne peut dire si la tendance à la baisse observée va se poursuivre. Si elle le faisait, une nouvelle inversion pourrait avoir lieu d'ici 2000 ans.
Mais le champ magnétique s'est déjà trouvé plus faible par le passé, avant de rebondir et de retrouver un niveau normal. Les boussoles qui indiquent le Sud ne sont sans doute pas pour demain.